Viewing all posts for: Import/Export
- Adding all message recipients as Contacts
- Adding more contact information
- Backing up Outlook Data
- Backing up Ribbon customizations
- Backup Add-in and Outlook 2010
- Backup Outlook settings
- Change default save type
- Count distribution list members
- Creating distribution list from email recipients
- Export option in Outlook 2010
- Exporting emails to an Access database
- Grayed out rules
- Holiday updates
- Import contacts from an nk2-file
- Import wab-file on Windows 7
- Import/Export rules
- Importing a contacts csv export
- Importing contacts from Windows Contacts folder
- Importing from Outlook Express or Windows Mail on Windows 7
- Importing, exporting and backing up RSS Feeds
- Merge archive files
- Microsoft LDAP Directory dialog
- Migrate from ANSI to UNICODE
- Mileage calculations from Tasks and Calendar
- Move pst-file
- Msg-file details in Explorer
- Named ranges error when importing
- Not a personal folders file
- Opening archive from a CD
- Opening eml-files with Outlook
- Opening the archive
- Outlook Contacts in Skype
- Relocate the archive file
- Sending Outlook folders
- Sync via USB drive
- Windows 7 and Outlook