Export option in Outlook 2010

Where is the Export option in Outlook 2010?

Where is the Export option in Outlook 2010?The Export option in Outlook 2010 is carefully tucked away in;
File-> Options-> section Advanced-> Export

As the Import function points to the same wizard dialog, you can also simply (but counter intuitively) use;
File-> Open-> Import

Please realize that the Export option should not be used to create a backup of your Outlook data. The Export function is only to be used when you want to do a partial “backup” (specific folders) or want to convert Outlook data to another file format. To create a proper backup of your Outlook data see the guide; Backup and Restore.

To find the new locations of other commonly used Outlook functions see; Where do I find…?

Export option Outlook 2010
The Export option is still there; just a bit more hidden.

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