Viewing all posts for: Tasks
- Additional snooze times in Reminder window
- Change default Due Date for Tasks
- Contact Linking
- Creating a task for a Word document
- Empty Task List in To-Do Bar
- Flagged items and reminder times
- Flagged message but no reminder
- Mileage calculations from Tasks and Calendar
- No Date at bottom of To-Do List
- Printing Calendar and Tasks of delegate
- Public Folder Contacts and Calendars in Navigation Pane
- Quickly set dates with formulas and text
- Reminder on contacts
- Reminders for archives and additional pst-files
- Reminders keep popping up
- Removing Calendars from the Navigation Pane
- Send files and report updates automatically
- Showing icons in To-Do List
- Sort Outlook Today Tasks by subject
- Tasks show up multiple times
- The Outlook To-Do Bar is too cluttered