Sort Outlook Today Tasks by subject

I have a lot of activities and the due dates are not that important to me. I do however give them all a name that starts with specific keywords such as “Inside”, “Outside”, “To Do”, “Car”, “Computer”, “Betatesting”, “Banking”, etc…
Is there any way I can sort my tasks alphabetically? The Outlook Today options doesn’t give that sorting option.

I have a lot of activities and the due dates are not that important to me. I do however give them all a name that starts with specific keywords such as “Inside”, “Outside”, “To Do”, “Car”, “Computer”, “Betatesting”, “Banking”, etc…
Is there any way I can sort my tasks alphabetically? The Outlook Today options doesn’t give that sorting option.

You can set this sorting option via the registry.

The registry hive where this is saved is;
(where <version> is the version number of Outlook)

If the Sort1 key name already exists here, double click it and give it the value; [Subject]
If the Sort1Asc key name already exists, double click it and give it the value; True

If the above key names do not exist here yet, you’ll have to create them via;
Edit-> New-> String Value

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