Delete Junk Email from mail server too when deleting from Outlook

I’m looking for a way to delete a mail from the web mail client when I delete the message in Outlook.
It’s because I don’t want to have a messy mailbox when I have to use the web mail client. Right now, when I delete an email in Outlook, the original one still remains in my inbox on the web server, so after a couple of months I have a real mess in my inbox.

I’m looking for a way to delete a mail from the web mail client when I delete the message in Outlook.
It’s because I don’t want to have a messy mailbox when I have to use the web mail client. Right now, when I delete an email in Outlook, the original one still remains in my inbox on the web server, so after a couple of months I have a real mess in my inbox.

When you are using POP3 with the option to leave a copy on the server, you also have the option to remove the message from the server when you delete it from your Deleted Items folder. While not mentioned explicitly, this also works when you empty the Junk Email folder.

Outlook 2007
Tools-> Account Settings-> select your POP3 account-> button Change…-> button More Settings…-> tab Advanced-> option: Remove from server when deleted from ‘Deleted Items’

Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2002/XP
Tools-> E-mail Accounts-> Next-> select your POP3 account-> button Change…-> button More Settings…-> tab Advanced-> option: Remove from server when deleted from ‘Deleted Items’

Outlook 2000
Tools-> Services… (or Accounts… depending your set Outlook Mode)-> tab Mail-> select your POP3 account-> button Properties…-> tab Advanced-> option: Remove from server when deleted from ‘Deleted Items’

After you have selected this option, right click the Deleted Items folder or the Junk Email folder and choose “Empty ‘Deleted Items’ folder” or “Empty ‘Junk E-mail folder”. At the next send/receive interval, the deleted messages will be removed from the server as well.

Note: If you can already filter on server level, then Outlook won’t have to download Junk Email at all. See this post for more details on that.

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