Sent Items only shows my name

When I look at my Sent Items I only see my name instead of the name of the person I have send it to. How can I change this?

When I look at my Sent Items I only see my name instead of the name of the person I have send it to. How can I change this?In this case your Sent Items folder is configured with the “From” column instead of showing the “To” coulmn.

By default Outlook has a “Sent To” view which is configured to show the “To” column. Depending on your version of Outlook you can select this view via;

View-> Arrange By-> Current View-> Sent To
or via;
View-> Current View-> Sent To

If this doesn’t work you can also add the column manually. To do this select your Sent Items folder and go to View-> Arrange By-> Custom… and click the Fields… button.

On the right list select “From” and press Remove.
On the left list select “To” and press Add.

Additionally you can use the Move Up and Move Down button to sort your fields. By default the “To” field is listed between “Attachment” and “Subject”.

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