Adding holidays to a Public Folder Calendar

As a follow up on the previous post about updating holidays in your calendar, a question was asked on how to import the holidays in a Public Folder or SharePoint Team Calendar instead.

As a follow up on the previous post about updating holidays in your calendar, a question was asked on how to import the holidays in a Public Folder or SharePoint Team Calendar instead.

This cannot be done in a 1 step process. You’ll first have to import the holidays into your own Calendar and from there copy the items to the other calendar.

Setting the correct view
Just as any bulk operation in your Calendar this is done best when switching to a list view such as By Category or All Appointments. Since all holidays have the Holiday category, using the By Category would be the best choice;

  • Outlook 2002/XP and previous
    View-> Current View-> By Category
  • Outlook 2003
    View-> Arrange By-> Current View-> By Category
  • Outlook 2007
    View-> Current View-> By Category
  • Outlook 2010
    View-> Change View-> List
    Arrangement-> Categories

Move or copy
Once you have selected all the holidays you can move them at once by using one of the many move options available such as dragging and dropping them on the other Calendar folder or press CTRL+SHIFT+V to bring up the Move to Folder dialog.

In order to copy them by using drag and drop you can drag and drop with your right mouse button instead; this will bring up a Move/Copy/Cancel context menu. You can also find the Copy to Folder dialog in the Edit menu in Outlook 2007 and previous or on the Home tab of the Ribbon in Outlook 2010 by expanding the Move button.

Re-import in own calendar
If you moved the holidays and you want to add them to your own calendar again you can simply re-import them via;

  • Outlook 2007 and previous
    Tools-> Options…-> button Calendar Options…-> button Add Holidays…
  • Outlook 2010
    File-> section Options-> section Calendar-> group Calendar Options-> button Add Holidays…
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