Custom Journal Entry Type

I’m using the Journal feature of Outlook to keep a sort of diary. Pretty much all of the Entry Types in the diary is for computer related stuff.
How can I add things like; shopping, sports, home repairs, etc…?
At work I could use an Entry Type “errands” as well.

I’m using the Journal feature of Outlook to keep a sort of diary. Pretty much all of the Entry Types in the diary is for computer related stuff.
How can I add things like; shopping, sports, home repairs, etc…?
At work I could use an Entry Type “errands” as well.

There is no way to extend the Entry Type list from within Outlook but you can extend it via the registry.

  1. Open the registry editor;
    Windows Vista: Start-> type; regedit
    Windows XP: Start-> Run-> type; regedit
  2. Browse to the following location in the registry
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling
  3. Create a new key via;
    Edit-> New-> Key
  4. Name it after the Entry Type. For instance; Errand
  5. Now we must create 3 values for this key; Description, AutoJournaled and Large Icon
    1. Choose; Edit-> New-> String Value
      Name the value: Description
      Press Enter to confirm the value name
    2. Double click the created value name and type in the name of the Entry Type.
      In our example that would be; Errand
    3. Choose; Edit-> New-> DWORD Value
      Name the value: AutoJournaled
      Press Enter to confirm the value name
    4. Leave it the default value of; 0
    5. Choose; Edit-> New-> String Value
      Name the value: Large Icon
      Press Enter to confirm the value name
    6. Double click the created value name and give it the value; [11]
      The value of [11] will give it a Task icon. The value [12] will give it a letter icon.
      You can look up more icon values in the pictures below.

Small Journal icons
Overview of the small Journal icons in Outlook.

Large Journal icons
Overview of the large Journal icons in Outlook.

Note: There is no need to specify a “Small Icon” registry key. When there is no “Small Icon” key specified, Outlook will automatically use the “Small Icon” equivalent of the “Large Icon”.

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