Internet Explorer crashes when using OWA

I use Outlook Web Access to access my work email from home. When I access the webmail everything works fine. When I try and send an email from webmail the entire program shuts down and reboots my Internet Explorer.

I use Outlook Web Access to access my work email from home. When I access the webmail everything works fine. When I try and send an email from webmail the entire program shuts down and reboots my Internet Explorer.Sounds like you are using Internet Explorer and have the S/MIME control installed. To get things working directly, you’ll have to uninstall the S/MIME control from your machine. It is listed in the software list as Microsoft Outlook Web Access S/MIME

To be able to use S/MIME again, contact your mail administrator and ask him/her to apply this update to the Exchange server;

After this you can install S/MIME again from the OWA options screen

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