Adding RSS feeds to Outlook from IE

I am trying to set up the RSS feeds reader of Outlook.

When I click on the RSS icon of a web page, I get the option to add the feed to IE but not to Outlook.
How do I get it to ass to Outlook?

I am trying to set up the RSS feeds reader of Outlook.

When I click on the RSS icon of a web page, I get the option to add the feed to IE but not to Outlook.
How do I get it to ass to Outlook?

There are various way to do it but the easiest is to set Outlook to sync with the Common Feed List in Windows (available when using Internet Explorer 7 or later and Outlook 2007).

When you have Outlook set to sync with the common feed list in Windows, then it will automatically show up in Outlook as well after some time (or when restarting Outlook). This option is enabled by default in Outlook;
Tools-> Options-> tab Other-> button Advanced Options…-> option: Sync RSS Feeds to the Common Feed List

Another way to add the RSS feed is to click on the RSS Feed button in Internet Explorer and then copy the address which is shown in the Address Bar.
Then go to Outlook, right click on the RSS Feeds folder and choose Add New a RSS Feed…
In the pop-up dialog paste (CTRL+V) the address you just copied and press OK.

Note : You can remove an RSS Feed from Outlook by simply removing the folder. You can set additional options for the RSS feed in Tools-> Account Settings…-> RSS Feeds.

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