Rename your accounts

I have multiple accounts configured. Outlook names them after my POP3 server ( I now added another account from the same provider and shows up the same as my other with a (2) behind it; (2)

Can I change thiso be a bit more descriptive like “personal” and “business”?

I have multiple accounts configured. Outlook names them after my POP3 server ( I now added another account from the same provider and shows up the same as my other with a (2) behind it; (2)

Can I change thiso be a bit more descriptive like “personal” and “business”?

Yes, that is possible. Just as an FYI; Outlook 2007 names the accounts after your email addresses which can be very long as well and wanting you to change it.

You can change the display name for an account in the mail account configuration;

  1. Open the account configuration window;
    • Outlook 2007 and previous
      In the Tools menu you’ll find either the option;
      • "Services…" (Outlook 2000 in Corporate/Workgroup mode (CW mode))
      • "Accounts…" (Outlook 2000 in Internet Mail Only mode (IMO mode))
      • "E-mail Accounts…" (Outlook 2002/XP and Outlook 2003)
      • "Accounts…" (Outlook 2007).
    • Outlook 2010
      File-> section Info-> Account Settings-> Account Settings…
  2. Click that option to view your configured email accounts.
  3. Double click the account that you want to change the display name for.
  4. Press the "More Settings…" button.
  5. Here change the name for your account.
  6. "OK" and "Next" yourself out of the open dialogs to return to the mail Outlook window.

Note: You cannot change the display name of Outlook Connector accounts. For this you can use the Live Hotmail Rename Tool (free)

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